It turns out that 'S' did not learn English in Eritrea because she had to be hidden for 13 years to protect her from terrorists in her country. Even more tragic is the story behind how she arrived in the United States of America. I learned last week that she was shot five times by terrorists. Twice in her head - actually damaging her brain, twice in the heart and once elsewhere in her body. The Eritrea government didn't believe she would make it, thus, agreed to allow her to come to America. When I ran into her in the parking lot at church before Thursday class she hugged me and told me (again) how thankful she is for the ESL classes. She said she had lived in Broomfield for 8 years and never learned English until now. She also said she recently visited her doctor and spoke English. He asked where she had learned so much English in such a short amount of time - which she told him at the Broomfield United Methodist Church. She was so proud of what she has learned in under 3 months. She said she prays often and thanks God for this program.
I can't help but be in awe of 'S'. She has seen the worst and survived. And she takes nothing for granted. She sees the positive and good in everything and everyone. And makes sure she expresses her gratitude continuously. Every ESL teacher tells me that she brings such energy and joy to every class (and, she attends all five classes every week!).
'S' told me she prays for me and thanks God for what I've done for her. Little does she know that I thank God for her. She has enriched my life immensly. She has taught me that there is hope and light in every situation. It's all how one views the situation. That alone is a lesson I need to remember...